There are two External Firewalls and Two Internal Firewalls. Between them, there are two different zones connected, web DMZ zone and mail DMZ zone.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
10 Suggestions for how to be a successful Network Consultant
Having spent over twenty years in I.T. and over seventeen years in networking, Iíve worked with a lot of Network Engineers. Career progression has always been a hot topic. Iíve always been interested in learning how people have found themselves in the job they now do.
Until the Cisco certification bandwagon really got going about twelve years ago, there was very little structure in the profession of ëNetwork Engineerí. People tended to be measured on the manufacturer courses theyíd attended and the bragging they did about the networks theyíd designed, fixed or broken. I was always more impressed with the size of the broken networks. Anyway, now, thanks to Cisco Career Certifications we have a method of ëmeasuringí peoples networking ability which other networking vendors have copied. However, speaking as someone who regularly hires Network Engineers, youíre going to need a bit more than a freshly printed CCNP certificate to convince me that you should be let loose on our customerís networks.
The goal of most Network Engineers I meet or interview is to become a Consultant. Usually their motivation is ëcareer progressioní which will lead to better salaries and enhanced recognition amongst their peers. Often, having the title ëConsultantí is more important than being a consultant. Most people understand that there is no short-cut or boot-camp that will make you a consultant; itís a combination of knowledge, experience and good judgement.
Here are ten things that Iíve learnt and that I will think will help any Network Engineer develop towards being a consultant.
1. Assume you know nothing and take time to understand your customer. Listen to your peers, listen to your customers learn from their experiences. There is always someone who knows more than you and he/she maybe across the table from you listening to your ëdrivelí. Understand your customer, understand their needs, understand their frustrations, understand their motives and understand their skills. Listen to what they have to say and try to empathise with their problems. Generally Networks are built to enable business, make sure you understand that business.
2. Develop your soft skills. Consultancy is about communicating your ideas and opinions. A lot of great ideas have been lost because of a failure to communicate them. Learn to use Visio (or whatever drawing package youíre comfortable with) time spent learning to use the many features of Visio is never wasted. Also learn to use Word, Excel and PowerPoint (please, please donít start arguing the merits of open source software and explaining that Microsoft is Satan come to Earth in a software format; youíre here as the network guru, remember). When you have to present your findings or communicate your ideas, think carefully about how you are going to do it. A picture or graph is generally better than a 100 words. Understand your audience and be aware of their attention span.
3. Learn to write Management Summaries. Why? Because managers make decisions, I’m sorry thatís generally the case in most organizations. They hold the purse strings, are very busy and donít always have time to read your 56 page analysis of why migrating to OSPF from EIGRP would be a really cool thing to do. Itís a sad fact of the ëcomputer ageí that peopleís (especially managerís) attention spans have shortened due to information overload. They tend to read the beginning and the end of a proposal and ëskim readí whatís in between. Think of the Management Summary as a trailer to a movie, a good Management Summary will get the reader interested and read more of the document. If you want to convince someone to take a course of action then the Management Summary is the place to focus onÖ.. Sad but true.
4. First impressions do count. Whilst a freshly printed CCXP certificate may impress your mates and your Mum, it wonít impress your average IT Manager whoís network is in meltdown. His first impression of you will be what you look like or what you sound like. So make it count. Listen to what they have to say and choose your first words carefully. Acting like an expert is a lot easier than sounding like an expert, try and keep the impression going for as long as possible.
5. Donít alienate anyone. Generally IT projects or major troubleshooting events involve people from various aspects of I.T. as well as the ëvictimsí from the Business. They all have an opinion and they are all generally experts in their own areas. Respect their knowledge. They may be bigoted, opinionated and anti-networking, but it is your job to gently show them the error of their ways and guide them to the path of enlightenment regarding TCP/IP. Plus the fact, it may actually be the network at fault and you may end up needing their help.
6. SNMP Management, Syslog Collectors and Packet Sniffers. Learn how to really use these tools. SNMP runs on almost everything in the network and itís just sitting there with the answer to a lot of problems. You just need to know how to pose the right question. Analysing syslog messages takes time and requires patience but it often helps uncover the cause of a problem. Having WireShark on your laptop is all very well, but do you know how to write filters, use regular expressions and follow a TCP conversation?
7. Fix the cause and not just the symptoms. When troubleshooting your goal should always to understand what caused the problem and how it can be avoided in the future. Any fool can clear up an oil leak, but it takes skill to stop the leakÖ. And even more skill to preventing it happening in the first place.
8. Document everything. When troubleshooting, if you donít fix it after your first tracert, then get out the notebook and start drawing diagrams, noting down changes and recording when things happen. When youíre designing a network make sure you get all the information together in one place. Requirements, performance information, data sheets, test results, etc. It may be you that has to come back to fix it or upgrade it.
9. Only use agencies as a last resort and write good covering letters. When you feel the need for a new job then do your research, pick the industry, location and environment carefully. Take time to write customized covering letters for your cv. Remember, to a Recruitment Agent you are worth between 12 – 20% of your Year 1 salary, so most of them would have no qualms about putting you in a Russian Gulag if they happened to be paying well. Approaching a prospective employer direct shows initiative and can save them a lump of cash. Make sure you understand their business.
10. Stick to Networking. If a customer tells you that their marketing department have decided texting is going to be the start of whole new social networking paradigm, then just agree with them and build the network. Remember, we are Networking Gods not Marketing Guruís.
2. Develop your soft skills. Consultancy is about communicating your ideas and opinions. A lot of great ideas have been lost because of a failure to communicate them. Learn to use Visio (or whatever drawing package youíre comfortable with) time spent learning to use the many features of Visio is never wasted. Also learn to use Word, Excel and PowerPoint (please, please donít start arguing the merits of open source software and explaining that Microsoft is Satan come to Earth in a software format; youíre here as the network guru, remember). When you have to present your findings or communicate your ideas, think carefully about how you are going to do it. A picture or graph is generally better than a 100 words. Understand your audience and be aware of their attention span.
3. Learn to write Management Summaries. Why? Because managers make decisions, I’m sorry thatís generally the case in most organizations. They hold the purse strings, are very busy and donít always have time to read your 56 page analysis of why migrating to OSPF from EIGRP would be a really cool thing to do. Itís a sad fact of the ëcomputer ageí that peopleís (especially managerís) attention spans have shortened due to information overload. They tend to read the beginning and the end of a proposal and ëskim readí whatís in between. Think of the Management Summary as a trailer to a movie, a good Management Summary will get the reader interested and read more of the document. If you want to convince someone to take a course of action then the Management Summary is the place to focus onÖ.. Sad but true.
4. First impressions do count. Whilst a freshly printed CCXP certificate may impress your mates and your Mum, it wonít impress your average IT Manager whoís network is in meltdown. His first impression of you will be what you look like or what you sound like. So make it count. Listen to what they have to say and choose your first words carefully. Acting like an expert is a lot easier than sounding like an expert, try and keep the impression going for as long as possible.
5. Donít alienate anyone. Generally IT projects or major troubleshooting events involve people from various aspects of I.T. as well as the ëvictimsí from the Business. They all have an opinion and they are all generally experts in their own areas. Respect their knowledge. They may be bigoted, opinionated and anti-networking, but it is your job to gently show them the error of their ways and guide them to the path of enlightenment regarding TCP/IP. Plus the fact, it may actually be the network at fault and you may end up needing their help.
6. SNMP Management, Syslog Collectors and Packet Sniffers. Learn how to really use these tools. SNMP runs on almost everything in the network and itís just sitting there with the answer to a lot of problems. You just need to know how to pose the right question. Analysing syslog messages takes time and requires patience but it often helps uncover the cause of a problem. Having WireShark on your laptop is all very well, but do you know how to write filters, use regular expressions and follow a TCP conversation?
7. Fix the cause and not just the symptoms. When troubleshooting your goal should always to understand what caused the problem and how it can be avoided in the future. Any fool can clear up an oil leak, but it takes skill to stop the leakÖ. And even more skill to preventing it happening in the first place.
8. Document everything. When troubleshooting, if you donít fix it after your first tracert, then get out the notebook and start drawing diagrams, noting down changes and recording when things happen. When youíre designing a network make sure you get all the information together in one place. Requirements, performance information, data sheets, test results, etc. It may be you that has to come back to fix it or upgrade it.
9. Only use agencies as a last resort and write good covering letters. When you feel the need for a new job then do your research, pick the industry, location and environment carefully. Take time to write customized covering letters for your cv. Remember, to a Recruitment Agent you are worth between 12 – 20% of your Year 1 salary, so most of them would have no qualms about putting you in a Russian Gulag if they happened to be paying well. Approaching a prospective employer direct shows initiative and can save them a lump of cash. Make sure you understand their business.
10. Stick to Networking. If a customer tells you that their marketing department have decided texting is going to be the start of whole new social networking paradigm, then just agree with them and build the network. Remember, we are Networking Gods not Marketing Guruís.
Three Layer Designed vs Layer 2 MultiPath Design
data centre designs shifting from “North-South” type designs to “East-West-North-South”
Explaining L2 Multipath in Terms of North/South, East West Bandwidth
15th March 2011 by Greg Ferro
In a number of Packet Pushers episodes, I’ve been referring to the nature of the data centre designs shifting from “North-South” type designs to “East-West-North-South”. Lets dig into this terminology a bit and show us
Spanning Tree is always North / South
I’m reasonably confident that most people who read this will comprehend how a switching network will use spanning tree to create a TREE.
It will look something like this where the sore switches are configured to act as the ‘root’ of the spanning tree, and traffic flows to core to the edge. More correctly, traffic always flows from edge to core to edge and always in a fixed direction. Because we tend to draw the core at the top of the diagram, and shows connections to the distribution and access layers as connecting down the hierarchy, we tend to see a ‘top to bottom’ or north-south distribution of data traffic flows.
Where this model fails, is that bandwidth between servers that are on two branches must cross the core of the network as shown in this network diagram.
The Weakness is the Core Switch Interconnect
The challenge with this is that the connection between the core switches can become heavily overloaded, especially in networks where the server fanout is large and commonly occurs in heavily virtualised network. To some extent, this is a new problem. Previously, the core switches would be interconnected with an EtherChannel that would provide multi-gigabit connectivity, and recently we saw the introduction of 10GbE ports which allowed for further increases in the core capacity.
Now that servers are connected and 10GbE, and the addition of storage data means that sustained traffic flows have increased, and not just by twenty or fifty percent. Storage data (whether iSCSI, NFS or even FCoE) means that these designs won’t last much longer.
Currently, it’s convention to locate the storage arrays close to the core network switches so as to reduce the workload in the branches of the tree which isn’t a bad strategy. But this doesn’t account for the East-West migration of virtual machines.
Layer 2 Multipath Switch Networking
Layer 2 Multipath (L2MP) refers to the recent developments in Data Centre networks where the core switch can no longer handle all the load. That is, if you have a three hundred physical servers and each physical servers hosts twenty virtual machines, then the gross data load including storage traffic will easily exceed the interconnect. We talk about the development of data centre models that support east-west traffic flows.
In this type of design, we can see that a L2MP core, regardless of the type – Big Brother or Borg style, means that bandwidth does not choke around any specific point in the network. So not only does the network support the traditional North/South bandwidth alignment that we have today, which creates artificial limits on how we can locate and distribute servers inside existing data centre networks, we are now able to provide East/West bandwidth to support loads that are dynamically moved around the data centre with a lesser degree of concern for key choke points that exist in legacy designs.
This especially applies to converged network where the storage data creates new loads that increase the sustained usage of the Ethernet network.
Also, because hot spots can exist in the network core as traffic loads migrate around the network edge points, the L2MP allows for additional connections to be added as needed. Note that adding does not have the potential service impact and risk profile that making changes to spanning tree presents. Therefore, the network becomes more flexible (or less “crystalline” is the term that I use).
Note that the terms Borg and Big Brother are fully described in blog post from Ivan Pepelnjak.
The EtherealMind View
It’s worth noting that these changes are key to successfully addressing the networking requirements for virtualisation. Hopefull this helps to explain some of the reason that new switch architectures from Juniper and Cisco that relate to Fabric networking are important.
Bisectional Bandwidth
It’s worth noting that this problem is also related to the topic of Bisectional Bandwidth and the measurement of the server to server bandwidth as a function of the architecture. I wrote about this in this blog post :
Rules of Writing Designs
EtherealMind’s Rules of Writing Designs
Rule 1 – A Design Document is not an english creative writing project
- Forget school. Your writing isn not going to be marked by your English teacher.
- It’s a statement of fact. There is no reason for creative writing.
- stick to the facts, just the facts, and forget style.
- don’t use fancy words unless they are technical fancy words.
Rule 2 – A design doesn’t get “read” it gets “used”.
- Therefore layout matters less than facts, data, details and raw information.
- Formatting doesn’t matter. Really.
- It shouldn’t read like a book.
- It won’t be published.
Rule 3 – Never write a paragraph when a bullet point will do.
- If you are writing in paragraphs, you are wasting time. Use bullet points
- A bullet point makes you focus on the data, instead of waffling about grammar.
- Brevity means less mistakes because of bad interpretation.
- You spend less time typing
Rule 4 – A bullet point should always be used instead of paragraph.
- see previous rule.
- only exception is the introduction, where you put some business background to the project.
Rule 5 – Use Diagrams
- a diagram is better than a bullet point ninety percent of the time.
- it’s possible to produce an entire design in diagrams ONLY.
- Diagrams will be used more often, and stay on peoples desk for longer than a any paragraph or document.
- Use diagrams.
Rule 6 A good table replaces even more paragraphs.
- for moments when all else fails, and you think you need a paragraph ? Use a table.
- tables carry almost information as a diagram.
- most useful for “why”. Left Column = reason, Right Column = how, why, what.
- and bills of materials.
Rule 7 – Never use adjectives, that’s what sales people and project managers are for.
- any words that end in “-ly” should not be used.
- the only opinion you are allowed to express is about technology.
- Even then, I’m dubious.
- weasel words are not allowed.
Rule 8 – A Design never needs more than four levels of headings.
- Really, any more than four means your document outline is faulty.
- make sure you know how to use the outliner feature of your word processor.
- make sure you understand why you need to outline a document before you start.
Rule 9 – The design process goes from least specific to most specific.
- Thus the Business Plan becomes High Level Design becomes a Detailed Design becomes a Operational Document.
- Each one contains more and more specific information, and less and less words.
- No exceptions.
- if what you write isn’t more explicit than the previous document, then don’t write it.
Rule 10 – Use appendixes for irrelevant information that you think is relevant.
- If you have any doubt about whether something is completely relevant, then use an appendix.
- better yet, use a reference to an external resource.
Rule 11 – A Big Document is a Failure
- use references to external documents and web sites
- assume that the reader knows something about the topic. You don’t need to explain everything.
- You will need to explain some things, that’s the purpose of the design.
- You don’t get paid per page.
- People won’t review a long document, and then your errors / mistakes get missed.
- you waste your own time editing it.
- no one will read it.
- don’t fall into the trap of big documents are better. They are not.
That’s it.
- Go and Design Something.
- Do your research and testing.
- Always document before, during and after. Especially after.
- make it short, simple and it will be sweet.
Network Designer vs Network Engineer = Painter vs Artist
f you were a Painter, a really good painter, you would have skills and expertise in painting. You might understand your brush, how to make one, what hair is the best type for a given finish. You might practise on using different shapes, different hair and different movements. You might also be able to make your own paint, mixing the raw materials to produce the different colours. You could grow your own herbs, gather your own minerals and grind / boil and fix them to make your own paints. Your experience knows how to apply the paint, to combine your physical movements with the nature of the paint, surface and other factors to .
But to be an Artist, you would also need to understand shape, form and colour. You would spend time thinking about composition, and relationships, and creating a narrative within the picture frame. You would consider and practice, draft and draw elements of the picture, carry out preliminary sketches and form drawings until you captured the essence, the very spirit of your art. You would also need to have a relationship with those who might buy, or display, or commission you work – you wonít be a serious artist if you canít survive, and you wonít be serious if you donít practice your art every day.
A Network Engineer, a really good engineer, should have skills that knows how to trace, to detect, to debug. You should know how the network is connected, and why data flows that way, and not this way. What is its purpose ? What are the elements that join together, that are mixed, to provide the data flow from end to end. And then, make the fix.
But to be a Network Designer, a really good designer, also needs to understand the network, the entire network, and all of the elements that make it up. You should see the form and shape of the entire system, and the external factors that make it the way it is. You should understand what the you can do, with the materials available, and how you can touch-up the picture, to change that shape, to add a little character there. The business factors that created the opportunity, and restrict the picture from being great.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
中国互联网地下利益 黑客色情黑公关
第三类的“地下互联网”,尽管涉及许多见不得光、游离在法律边缘的行当,但它也并不完全等同于一个法外之地。更多时候,无论是为了自保还是业务的安全需求,他们都不会主动的浮到地面上头让人发现。然而,在很多时候,地下互联网都无意中直接或者间接的影响着普通网络用户的生活环境,甚至参与制定过一些地上互联网世界也必须遵从的规则。 加国无忧
在理论上,目前对于黑客的定义存在着比较重大的误读,简单来说,这个源自美国计算机业界的舶来名词本意上是用来形容对计算机技术有着深入研究、捍卫自由共享的网络精神、偶尔会利用技术优势做做恶作剧的电脑高手。只是猛兽易伏,人心难降,在私欲的牵引下,有些具备黑客技术的人走上了恶意破解商业软件、入侵服务器系统以谋取利益的道路,这些人被称为Cracker,而这里所讲述的山头,正是Cracker的领地,但是为了便于理解,暂时也将Cracker译为黑客,大家知道实际区别就好。 加国 无忧 51.CA
《传奇》私服在宣传时一般都需要搭建一个网站,用来提供游戏服务器的IP或登录器下载——这是用户进入其游戏的唯一入口,而黑客就瞄准了这个为私服运营者提供收入支持中不可或缺的入口,每天扫描新开的私服网站,向手底下的“操作者”发送攻击指令,后者通过常规DDOS或其他更高明点的手段将目标私服的网站攻击瘫痪,中断用户入口,再联系私服运营者,索要数千甚至上万元的“放弃费”。如若遭到拒绝,则进一步攻击游戏服务器,导致玩家无法正常游戏,彻底断掉私服运营者的财路。高峰时期,中国每天都有上百万台服务器受到这类黑客的操控,用于威慑和打击私服网站及服务器,而私服运营者方面因为本身就是违法生意,根本无法寻求警方协助。(这从侧面似乎也证明了私服行业的惊人暴利,在黑客、官方的双重打击下仍能前仆后继……) 无忧资讯
而519断网事件,就是由一伙黑客在打某家《传奇》私服的时候,直接攻击到了后者服务器所在的DNS服务商身上,进而引发暴风影音的连锁反应,酿成大祸。这让工信部第一次意识到了互联网在政治之外的风险,曾有网警单位试图打入黑客关系以及病毒产销链的内部,但皆因身份伪装失败而遭泄漏,不过也起到了一定的威慑作用。2010年3月,工信部低调推出了中国通信行业网络安全的首个部级指令《通信网络安全防护管理办法》,确定了电信管理机构的行政权力,还给公安部门下了任务指标,不少地区兴起“抓捕黑客”热,最终的结果可想而知:一些在网吧里自学简陋的攻击软件的青年被当作涉案重量级黑客锒铛入狱,而真正有能力的黑客则开始将研究重点由“入侵”转移到“隐匿”上,反倒间接的推动了中国加密数据网络技术的水平提升。 51.CA 加国无忧
在世界上的绝大多数国家,色情业都是合法的存在,而在中国,由于国家体制的原因,色情业仍然处于法律的敌对阵营里。但是,食色性也,作为人性的原始需求,色情网站满足了网民对于欲望的部分需求,根据BusinessInsider的一份报告数据显示,色情网站占全球网站整体数量的12%,其总体流量占比可能逼近整个互联网流量的三成左右。 51.CA 加国无忧
第三座山头,是“黑公关(Gangsterdom PR)”
和“骇客(Cracker)”牵连了“黑客(Hacker)”一样,“黑公关(Gangsterdom PR)”也干扰到了人们对于“公关(PR)”的定义和看法。
“公关(Public Relations,简称PR)”是由美国传媒行业在20世纪初创造出来的概念,属于管理功能,意指“组织机构与公众环境之间的沟通与传播关系”,随着舆论经济的发达、Edward L.Bernays这类学者的推动以及《公关第一,广告第二》等营销经典教材的风靡,正式成为政府和企业的一门必修课。
从事公关行业能够明显察觉,公关对于其理念的忠实程度和它所在的地缘政治的媒体自由及社会民主程度呈标准的正比趋势。也就是说,一个国家或者地区的媒体越是落后、越受限制,政治体制距离民主精神越远,那么公关在这片土壤上就越容易演变成为一个与其原生概念完全不同的产物。这个不仅是在公关行业,干过啤酒渠道拓展业务的应该也都能体会,想要在中国一个县级城市的餐馆里推广某个品牌的啤酒,与其啤酒的口味、品牌、广宣等内容都完全无关,只要搞定当地负责某个片区的地头蛇,后者自然会带着人马去帮你规定区域内的餐馆必须买进什么啤酒。 无忧资讯
神州租车曾计划在2012年启动上市,但是几乎是在消息传出的一夜之间,各大主流媒体、社交网络上都出现了关于神州租车的负面新闻,且用词相当激烈。神州租车的董事长陆正耀后来在微博上咆哮,“没完没了的水军攻击、伪装成客户向媒体爆料,居然还买广告版面发我们的负面,我怒了!”也是出于对“黑公关”的不堪招架。2012年4月,神州租车估值被一级级的调低,最后基本上缩水得看不到回报率,只得临时退出上市程序。 无 忧 网 - 51
“黑公关”一般掌握有多种形式的资源,平面及网络媒体、业界名流、水军都是常见资源,3.15等特殊时期更是有着堪称“核武器”的曝光机会,用“翻手为云、覆手为雨”来形容并不过分。向筹划上市的商业公司进行“勒索”虽然单笔利润丰厚,但从频率上来讲却是可遇而不可求,更多的时候他们都会“自造”机会。 - 多伦多 51 网
包括很多门户在内的一些网站,由于人力成本的原因,一些有着长尾价值的二级频道无法自营,便会外包给一些公司,由后者每年缴纳一定“代理费”,然后独立运作代理的频道,自负盈亏。不少“黑公关”也盯上了这块肥肉,拿下代理之后,利用该频道因为隶属门户网站而能够被百度等搜索引擎的新闻栏目爬虫索引收录的资格,逐家的找频道主题相关的企业索要广告费用,如若遭到拒绝,就会开始不断的曝光企业负面,而中国的很多网络新闻站点又存在着“采集”这一内容组织模式——即为了填充内容更新,网站和网站之间会互相转载新闻信息,这导致企业的负面信息会在短时间内变得极其庞杂,进而影响企业的订单、投资等收益。这时,“黑公关”再会以另一家壳公司的名义,上门“点拨”企业,贩卖删帖生意。这就是为什么我们会从很多地方看到对删帖公司“神通广大”的渲染,其实有些时候并不是他们有能力去“删”帖,而是帖子本身就出自他们,他们只是将帖子作为商品进行“下架”处理而已。 加国无忧
德国哲学先贤黑格尔在《Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts》中提出了“存在即合理”的辩证逻辑,所谓“合理”,常被曲解为“合乎道理”,实际意指的应当是“并非偶然”。在本文末尾,我想借用来解释地下互联网世界的存在:互联网不是一个脱离现实社会的时空,恰恰相反,它由现实社会中拔根而起,同时汲取了文明的黑白两面,无论是地上、地面还是地下,生长出来的果实都是同根同种,有一些无法公开的需求和意图,并不会凭空消失,陷到地下,自然有被满足的机会。我们没有必要上纲上线,时间的流逝、法制的完善、、科技的进化、文化的变迁会来解决这些,在那之前,不妨安然旁观,“让上帝的归上帝,让凯撒的归凯撒。” 无忧 资讯 info.51.CA
Monday, March 18, 2013
IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service),指基础设施即服务,消费者通过Internet可以从完善的计算机基础设施获得服务。基于Internet的服务(如存储和数据库)是IaaS的一部分。Internet上其他类型的服务包括平台即服务(Platform as a Service,PaaS)和软件即服务(Software as a Service,SaaS)。PaaS提供了用户可以访问的完整或部分的应用程序开发,SaaS则提供了完整的可直接使用的应用程序,比如通过Internet管理企业资源。
IaaS公共云服务将是增长最快的公共云服务类别。预计全球2013年IaaS的市场规模将达到80亿美元,其中AWS(amazon web services,亚马逊公有云服务)预计能达到25-28亿美元,Rackspace收入16-19亿左右,IaaS占35%,超过6亿美元,而被Verizon收购的Terremark收入将超过4.5亿以上,另外像Joyent,Savvis,GoGrid,Dimension Data等公司都会有一定的收入增长。
而软件定义的思想(Software Defined Everything)将黑盒子开放出来,使得数据和控制分开,能够更灵活的管理和调度,会成为后续发展的主流。
2013年的开始,我们就看到了软件定义存储(Software Defined Storage),软件定义网络(Software Defined Network),软件定义数据中心(Software Defined Datacenter)等一系列大的投资和收购行为。
Sunday, March 10, 2013
How to manage new department?
I was recently appointment as a new head of a department.
The thing is the out going department head is transferred to another department, which is on the same floor, and still have great influence.
The out going head only taught me some of the works she used to perform and some unfamiliar work I still need to figure out myself. She was not happy with the transfer and also bad mouth about me, which I heard from my colleague. I felt that the things that she teach me was sometimes wrong and does not give a clear solution. So I have to use my own judgement.
The problem I faced is that my experience is not as experience as my staffs work under me because some of them have work there for more than 10 years. While I work there for around 6 months only. I still need them to teach me some work.
Besides that, I am also not clear about what work my staff are performing. Thus, I asked them to fill in a work survey questionnaire and give a deadline to it. At the end, no one reply me. Besides that, I also want to implement new procedure to better monitoring of work progress. One of them answer me, it is a waste of time.
How to manage the department when you are not the most experienced?
How to introduce new procedures with the staffs follow through?
How to instill confident in staffs that I could lead the department well and listen to me instead of to the former department head?
Well you have your work cut out for you. But this is not impossible. I will try to answer your questions.
How to manage the department when you are not the most experienced?
First off, managing a department is not so much about knowing exactly how to perform the work of your direct reports as it is about knowing how to lead, direct and manage people. You must make sure that the employees are respecting your authority. This is tough because as the newbie you don't want to come in looking like a big shot but at the same time these guys blowing you off and not resopnding to you is disrespect.
I would suggest partnering with your HR Manager and ask how to best handle these associates who are ignoring your deadline requests. That is one of the things HR is there for - to coach and direct new managers.
I think the survey was not the best approach because as a new manager you need to instill more of a one on one apprach. I suggest setting up one on one meetings with each of your new employees and get to know them. Make this more about rapport building vs just learning their job all at once. After the initial one on ones then I suggest setting up more time with each of them AT THEIR OWN DESKS And observe and ask them questions about what they do.
This is not going to happen overnight. You must lead by example and these people will eventually look to YOU for guidance vs the old dept head. You cannot become a manager and expect respect from day one. You have to earn it. Spend LOTS of one on one time with these folks but don't do it trying to be this big authority figure try to just get to know them as people first. Then when they respect you they will automatically want to listen to your direction. I would hold off on big changes right away because these guys need to get used to the management change first. Over-zealous new managers often make the mistake of thinking they need to come in and change everything around all at once. Bad idea. Change should come gradually.
I bet these employees have good ideas too, just as you do. In dept/team meetings I suggest you ask them for their input. Ask them what changes they would make and if you can implement some of their suggestions. This way they will see you are a member of the team as well and not just trying to play role of head hauncho.
MY management style is such that I work for them vs they work for me. My job as a manager is to get the most work from the team as possible in as efficient way as possible. Having this mindset I do not dictate I instead implement ideas and suggestions my team brings up and when I make suggestions for process improvement I always get their feedback first. No one likes the managers that make a lot of process improvements and fail to see the whole picture. Sometimes things on white paper don't look as good when you are the employee having to carry it thru.
And when I say I view it as I work for them I don't mean they dictate to ME what must happen it means that I see them as my team and a manager is ONLY as good as the team they manage. On performance reviews for managers, you can be the best model employee on earth but if your team is not producing, and if your team feels their environment is stifling to their advancement or not fostering a team atmosphere then they are going to ding the heck out of you on employee sensing surveys. Bad sensing surveys are a manager's worst nightmare. And on your own reviews if your team is not yielding desirable results that impact the bottom line then you are doomed.
So adopt the attitude that you work for them and let them know that you want to hear their ideas and will implement what you can. Take the time to get to know them. During one on one's ask about their kids, their families, what they like to do. Try to create some small talk with them. Vist out on the floor often and take a real active interest in their work. Compliment and praise where it is due. Do not praise if it is not warranted or then your words won't mean much but praise and praise often to your high performers. Everyone likes to be recognized.
You can also make work fun by running contests and team oriented games in team meetings. Bring some snacks in and make work fun.
How to introduce new procedures with the staffs follow through?
As I said I would not do that yet. You don't even know these people yet. You said yourself you are not familiar with their jobs. How can you make procedure changes without knowing specifically what the CURRENT procedures are? New managers always have the best of intent when making changes but if they don't know what the current process is, how can they improve it? Schedule one on one meetings to get to know these folks first. Then schedule time with each one to sit at their desks and learn what they do. Ask for their input. When you finally feel you have gotten your arms around current procedures and what each person is responsible for then you can start making improvement changes. ASK for and IMPLEMENT as many of their ideas as you can, if they are good ones. No one knows that work better than the employee.
How to instill confident in staffs that I could lead the department well and listen to me instead of to the former department head?
By employing some of the suggestions I gave you above. Respect will come when respect has been earned. I hate to compare it to a parent/child relationship since we are all adults but in a way it is the same concept. A child respects the parent who earns it. An employee respects a manager who earns it. The title alone will not automatically be commensurate with clout and respect. That former manager has it because she was there a long time and these people grew to trust her apparently. You have to make them trust you, and they can't trust that you know what is best for them until you know exactly what it is they do.
Take an active and sincere interest in their work, in them, and ask for their input and actually use it, and you will gain the respect you are looking for.
I was recently appointment as a new head of a department.
The thing is the out going department head is transferred to another department, which is on the same floor, and still have great influence.
The out going head only taught me some of the works she used to perform and some unfamiliar work I still need to figure out myself. She was not happy with the transfer and also bad mouth about me, which I heard from my colleague. I felt that the things that she teach me was sometimes wrong and does not give a clear solution. So I have to use my own judgement.
The problem I faced is that my experience is not as experience as my staffs work under me because some of them have work there for more than 10 years. While I work there for around 6 months only. I still need them to teach me some work.
Besides that, I am also not clear about what work my staff are performing. Thus, I asked them to fill in a work survey questionnaire and give a deadline to it. At the end, no one reply me. Besides that, I also want to implement new procedure to better monitoring of work progress. One of them answer me, it is a waste of time.
How to manage the department when you are not the most experienced?
How to introduce new procedures with the staffs follow through?
How to instill confident in staffs that I could lead the department well and listen to me instead of to the former department head?
Well you have your work cut out for you. But this is not impossible. I will try to answer your questions.
How to manage the department when you are not the most experienced?
First off, managing a department is not so much about knowing exactly how to perform the work of your direct reports as it is about knowing how to lead, direct and manage people. You must make sure that the employees are respecting your authority. This is tough because as the newbie you don't want to come in looking like a big shot but at the same time these guys blowing you off and not resopnding to you is disrespect.
I would suggest partnering with your HR Manager and ask how to best handle these associates who are ignoring your deadline requests. That is one of the things HR is there for - to coach and direct new managers.
I think the survey was not the best approach because as a new manager you need to instill more of a one on one apprach. I suggest setting up one on one meetings with each of your new employees and get to know them. Make this more about rapport building vs just learning their job all at once. After the initial one on ones then I suggest setting up more time with each of them AT THEIR OWN DESKS And observe and ask them questions about what they do.
This is not going to happen overnight. You must lead by example and these people will eventually look to YOU for guidance vs the old dept head. You cannot become a manager and expect respect from day one. You have to earn it. Spend LOTS of one on one time with these folks but don't do it trying to be this big authority figure try to just get to know them as people first. Then when they respect you they will automatically want to listen to your direction. I would hold off on big changes right away because these guys need to get used to the management change first. Over-zealous new managers often make the mistake of thinking they need to come in and change everything around all at once. Bad idea. Change should come gradually.
I bet these employees have good ideas too, just as you do. In dept/team meetings I suggest you ask them for their input. Ask them what changes they would make and if you can implement some of their suggestions. This way they will see you are a member of the team as well and not just trying to play role of head hauncho.
MY management style is such that I work for them vs they work for me. My job as a manager is to get the most work from the team as possible in as efficient way as possible. Having this mindset I do not dictate I instead implement ideas and suggestions my team brings up and when I make suggestions for process improvement I always get their feedback first. No one likes the managers that make a lot of process improvements and fail to see the whole picture. Sometimes things on white paper don't look as good when you are the employee having to carry it thru.
And when I say I view it as I work for them I don't mean they dictate to ME what must happen it means that I see them as my team and a manager is ONLY as good as the team they manage. On performance reviews for managers, you can be the best model employee on earth but if your team is not producing, and if your team feels their environment is stifling to their advancement or not fostering a team atmosphere then they are going to ding the heck out of you on employee sensing surveys. Bad sensing surveys are a manager's worst nightmare. And on your own reviews if your team is not yielding desirable results that impact the bottom line then you are doomed.
So adopt the attitude that you work for them and let them know that you want to hear their ideas and will implement what you can. Take the time to get to know them. During one on one's ask about their kids, their families, what they like to do. Try to create some small talk with them. Vist out on the floor often and take a real active interest in their work. Compliment and praise where it is due. Do not praise if it is not warranted or then your words won't mean much but praise and praise often to your high performers. Everyone likes to be recognized.
You can also make work fun by running contests and team oriented games in team meetings. Bring some snacks in and make work fun.
How to introduce new procedures with the staffs follow through?
As I said I would not do that yet. You don't even know these people yet. You said yourself you are not familiar with their jobs. How can you make procedure changes without knowing specifically what the CURRENT procedures are? New managers always have the best of intent when making changes but if they don't know what the current process is, how can they improve it? Schedule one on one meetings to get to know these folks first. Then schedule time with each one to sit at their desks and learn what they do. Ask for their input. When you finally feel you have gotten your arms around current procedures and what each person is responsible for then you can start making improvement changes. ASK for and IMPLEMENT as many of their ideas as you can, if they are good ones. No one knows that work better than the employee.
How to instill confident in staffs that I could lead the department well and listen to me instead of to the former department head?
By employing some of the suggestions I gave you above. Respect will come when respect has been earned. I hate to compare it to a parent/child relationship since we are all adults but in a way it is the same concept. A child respects the parent who earns it. An employee respects a manager who earns it. The title alone will not automatically be commensurate with clout and respect. That former manager has it because she was there a long time and these people grew to trust her apparently. You have to make them trust you, and they can't trust that you know what is best for them until you know exactly what it is they do.
Take an active and sincere interest in their work, in them, and ask for their input and actually use it, and you will gain the respect you are looking for.
How to manage and control IT support department?
Is it possible to manage IT maintenance operations like a project, with typical project management mechanisms including scope, time, and cost planning? In our project we experience difficulties in such a management of our IT infrastructure support department. We don't know how to define their scope, how to control it, and how to make sure that the work is done. They are not developing any software but organizing our server space. Sometimes (and very often) their mistakes severely affect the entire project. I'm interested to find some formal or semi-formal instruments of this IT department management and coordination with the rest of the business.
There is a danger in trying to use PM methodology to manage an operational process. PM methodology - waterfall, agile, Prince2, whatever - is designed to deal with temporary endeavors.
I suggest you build the processes you need to make thinks happen in the support department.
If you are unfamiliar with process development, you can find all kinds of resources on line. The basic steps are;
make a list of everything your department needs to do
organize it into process groups
document the steps for each process
start improving the processes
The main problem with maintenance and support teams is that it's usually really hard to plan their work in reasonable way in any longer time span.
If we define maintenance team as one which reacts either to problems within project (bugs, issues, inquiries) or to requests submitted by others (client, other teams) it's more like dealing with constant priority changes. If there's critical bug submitted we likely deal with it in the first place before moving to regular stuff. If there are other (major or minor) bugs which have solution deadline they also go up through priority list as the deadline approaches.
However even though it's hard to plan team work in any detailed way as the plan is going to change a number of times, you still can organize process in a way which just takes such situation as given. A very good method to try here is Kanban as it doesn't force the team to plan work up front but allows to react to priority changes in a neat way. See as example of how Kanban in terms of reacting for frequent priority changes.
Kanban also does a very good job in terms of visualizing what the team is doing now, what they're going to do next, any problems they might have, individual responsibilities for tasks etc. In given situation not only may it help you to track their work but also help them to see what they're really have on the plate.
Also with Kanban it doesn't really matter what kind of tasks the team deals with as it wasn't designed with a purpose of applying it to software development only, so it can be perfectly used for the team dealing with infrastructure.
This may be considered as a project itself " IT Operations Alignment".
In order to manage the service delivered by the IT Support Team you will need liaise with the Team Lead to understand the following:
Current Process Logic for IT Operations (planning, approval requirements, etc...)
Current Service Level of Agreement (SLA) to deliver solutions
Resource Availability (remote teams, on-site testers, etc...)
Once you have gathered all relevant information regarding their processes try to match these with your own ones and identify any gaps or areas of improvement.
Document Agreed Business Process and Operations/Projects - defining the scope of your business/project and where their support must imply.
Agree a Service Level of Agreement - for an estimated timing of resolution according to the severity of the issue/requirement.
Define and classify the defects or incidents according to the timing agreed on the SLA; e.g. Critical issues to be resolved in less than 24h, Critical incidents can be unavailability of the system or servers down. Moderate issues to be resolved within 72h, and so forth...
Finally, I would also recommend building a robust defect reporting mechanism which interfaces with IT. A good example could be eTracker, Jira, or SharePoint. By using these tools you can raise items according to the agreed scope and track the progress, flag concerns, escalate unresolved issues to senior management, and so on.
On a separate note, I would also consider that depending on the complexity of the teams and/or the business the maintenance of this relationship between IT Support and Operations may need to be managed by a separate role.
When I have had support responsibilities I found it was a very successful week if I got the planned work done on two days. A lot of support time may be taken up responding to problem reports. Even if the problem is out of your control you still need to determine that it isn't in your control. You may then need to manage the response to the problem.
There are projects (usually on the small side) within the work that the support group will be handling. Setting up a process to make those happen could be worthwhile.
The one area ITIL is reported to be best suited to is managing support groups. I would consider implementing that area of ITIL.
Is it possible to manage IT maintenance operations like a project, with typical project management mechanisms including scope, time, and cost planning? In our project we experience difficulties in such a management of our IT infrastructure support department. We don't know how to define their scope, how to control it, and how to make sure that the work is done. They are not developing any software but organizing our server space. Sometimes (and very often) their mistakes severely affect the entire project. I'm interested to find some formal or semi-formal instruments of this IT department management and coordination with the rest of the business.
There is a danger in trying to use PM methodology to manage an operational process. PM methodology - waterfall, agile, Prince2, whatever - is designed to deal with temporary endeavors.
I suggest you build the processes you need to make thinks happen in the support department.
If you are unfamiliar with process development, you can find all kinds of resources on line. The basic steps are;
make a list of everything your department needs to do
organize it into process groups
document the steps for each process
start improving the processes
The main problem with maintenance and support teams is that it's usually really hard to plan their work in reasonable way in any longer time span.
If we define maintenance team as one which reacts either to problems within project (bugs, issues, inquiries) or to requests submitted by others (client, other teams) it's more like dealing with constant priority changes. If there's critical bug submitted we likely deal with it in the first place before moving to regular stuff. If there are other (major or minor) bugs which have solution deadline they also go up through priority list as the deadline approaches.
However even though it's hard to plan team work in any detailed way as the plan is going to change a number of times, you still can organize process in a way which just takes such situation as given. A very good method to try here is Kanban as it doesn't force the team to plan work up front but allows to react to priority changes in a neat way. See as example of how Kanban in terms of reacting for frequent priority changes.
Kanban also does a very good job in terms of visualizing what the team is doing now, what they're going to do next, any problems they might have, individual responsibilities for tasks etc. In given situation not only may it help you to track their work but also help them to see what they're really have on the plate.
Also with Kanban it doesn't really matter what kind of tasks the team deals with as it wasn't designed with a purpose of applying it to software development only, so it can be perfectly used for the team dealing with infrastructure.
This may be considered as a project itself " IT Operations Alignment".
In order to manage the service delivered by the IT Support Team you will need liaise with the Team Lead to understand the following:
Current Process Logic for IT Operations (planning, approval requirements, etc...)
Current Service Level of Agreement (SLA) to deliver solutions
Resource Availability (remote teams, on-site testers, etc...)
Once you have gathered all relevant information regarding their processes try to match these with your own ones and identify any gaps or areas of improvement.
Document Agreed Business Process and Operations/Projects - defining the scope of your business/project and where their support must imply.
Agree a Service Level of Agreement - for an estimated timing of resolution according to the severity of the issue/requirement.
Define and classify the defects or incidents according to the timing agreed on the SLA; e.g. Critical issues to be resolved in less than 24h, Critical incidents can be unavailability of the system or servers down. Moderate issues to be resolved within 72h, and so forth...
Finally, I would also recommend building a robust defect reporting mechanism which interfaces with IT. A good example could be eTracker, Jira, or SharePoint. By using these tools you can raise items according to the agreed scope and track the progress, flag concerns, escalate unresolved issues to senior management, and so on.
On a separate note, I would also consider that depending on the complexity of the teams and/or the business the maintenance of this relationship between IT Support and Operations may need to be managed by a separate role.
When I have had support responsibilities I found it was a very successful week if I got the planned work done on two days. A lot of support time may be taken up responding to problem reports. Even if the problem is out of your control you still need to determine that it isn't in your control. You may then need to manage the response to the problem.
There are projects (usually on the small side) within the work that the support group will be handling. Setting up a process to make those happen could be worthwhile.
The one area ITIL is reported to be best suited to is managing support groups. I would consider implementing that area of ITIL.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Shocker. It seems that ‘humble’ could actually work on Wall Street。难以置信。“谦逊”这个词似乎在华尔街挺管用。
Well, at least for the brutally honest and hilariously self-deprecating
young student, whose cover letter publicized on Business Insider, has generated a ton of positive interest amongst investment banking bosses。好吧,至少对于这位万分诚实而且滑稽的自我贬低的年轻学生来说是管用的。他的求职信被发布在美国科技博客Business Insider上,而且引发了无数投行老板的赞扬。
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the recipient of the e-mail immediately forwarded it on to colleagues, adding, “This might be the best cover letter I’ve ever received. Second and third paragraphs especially。”正如人们预料的那样,这封邮件的收件人很快把它转发给了同事们,而且补充说,“这也许是我所收到过的最好的求职信了。尤其是第二段和第三段。”
Another added to the e-mail chain, “I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy gets at least a call from every bank out there。”还有人在邮件上补充说,“如果这个人至少接到一家这里(华尔街)的银行打来的电话,我一点也不奇怪。”
For your reading pleasure, I’m including the letter in full and have taken the liberty to highlight the classic bits。这里附上这封求职信全文,并在经典部分做出标记,以便大家阅读。
Subject: Summer Internship主题:暑期实习
My name is (BLOCKED) and I am an undergraduate finance student at (BLOCKED). I met you the summer before last at Smith & Wollensky’s in New York when I was touring the east coast with my uncle, (BLOCKED). I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk with me that night。我是XX,是一名XX大学金融专业的本科毕业生。前年夏天我在纽约的Smith & Wollensky餐厅见过您一面,当时我正和我叔叔XX在东海岸旅游。我想感谢您那晚抽出时间和我交谈。
I am writing to inquire about a possible summer internship in your office. I am aware it is highly unusual for undergraduates from average universities like (BLOCKED) to intern at (BLOCKED), but nevertheless I was hoping you might make an exception. I am extremely interested in investment banking and would love nothing more than to learn under your tutelage. I have no qualms about fetching coffee, shining shoes or picking up laundry, and will work for next to nothing. In all honesty, I just want to be around professionals in the industry and gain as much knowledge as I can。我写这封信是想求得贵行一次暑期实习的机会。我知道对于像XX大学这样的普通大学的本科毕业生,想在贵行实习是很困难的。然而我希望您能为我破例一次。我对投资银行特别感兴趣,无比渴望在您的指导下学习。让我端咖啡、擦皮鞋或者送洗衣服我都毫无怨言,必定会尽心尽力。坦白地说,我只是想和这个行业的专业人士们相处,从而尽可能多地获取知识。
I won’t waste your time inflating my credentials, throwing around exaggerated job titles, or feeding you a line of crapp (sic) about how my past experiences and skill set align perfectly for an investment banking internship. The truth is I have no unbelievably special skills or genius eccentricities, but I do have a near perfect GPA and will work hard for you. I’ve interned for Merrill Lynch in the Wealth Management Division and taken an investment banking class at (BLOCKED), for whatever that is worth。我不会浪费您的时间看我弄一堆夸大其词的证书、工作头衔之类的来告诉您我之前的经历和技术能力和投资银行的实习是多么相衬。事实上我没有什么惊人的特殊才能或天赋,但我确实有近乎完美的平均绩点,而且会为您努力工作。我曾在美林证券的财富管理部门实习,还曾在XX上过投资银行课程,还挺值得的。
I am currently awaiting admission results for (BLOCKED) Masters of Science in Accountancy program, which I would begin this fall if admitted. I am also planning on attending law school after my master’s program, which we spoke about in New York. I apologize for the blunt
nature of my letter, but I hope you seriously consider taking me under your wing this summer. I have attached my resume for your review. Feel free to call me at (BLOCKED) or email at (BLOCKED). Thank you for your time。我目前还在等待XX大学会计专业的科学硕士录取结果,如果我被录取,会在今年秋季入学。我也计划在读完研究生后继续就读法学院,地点应该会在纽约。我为我这封信的坦率向您道歉,但我希望您能认真考虑今年夏季让我为您效力。在此我附上我的简历供您参考。您可以拨打我的电话XX或发邮件到XX。感谢您抽出宝贵时间阅读这封信。
Not everyone is impressed by this cover letter though。然而并不是所有人都被这封求职信所打动。
Lex van Dam, former top trader at Goldman Sachs and head of hedge fund, Hampstead Capital, takes a dim view of the over-hyped reactions of the Wall Street bosses.Lex van Dam曾是高盛集团的顶级操盘手,现任Hampstead资本的对冲基金经理,他对于华尔街老板们的过热反应不以为然。
“They live on a different planet – and probably have never seen any of these letters before as their HR departments are trained monkeys。”“他们简直生活在另一个星球上,可能之前从没见过类似的信,因为他们的人力资源部门只是循规蹈矩。”
In other words, another example of a viral letter for entertainment purposes, that is much ado about nothing. And yes, I’m doing my best to ignore the ‘trained monkeys’ bit。换句话说,这只不过又是一封以娱乐为目的的病毒式求职信,根本是小题大做。是的,我已经尽力忽略“循规蹈矩”这个字眼了。
Zachman Framework Detailed
The term "Zachman Framework" has multiple meanings. It can refer to any of the frameworks proposed by John Zachman:
- The initial framework, named A Framework for Information Systems Architecture, by John Zachman published in an 1987 article in the IBM Systems journal.[5]
- The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, an update of the 1987 original in the 1990s extended and renamed .[6]
- One of the later versions of the Zachman Framework, offered by Zachman International as industry standard.
In other sources the Zachman Framework is introduced as a framework, originated by and named after John Zachman, represented in numerous ways, see image. This framework is explained as, for example:
- a framework to organize and analyze data,[7]
- a framework for enterprise architecture.[8]
- a classification system, or classification scheme[9]
- a matrix, often in a 6x6 matrix format
- a two-dimensional model[10] or an analytic model.
- a two-dimensional schema, used to organize the detailed representations of the enterprise.[11]
Beside the frameworks developed by John Zachman numerous extensions and or applications have been developed, which are also sometimes called Zachman Frameworks.
The Zachman Framework summarizes a collection of perspectives involved in enterprise architecture. These perspectives are represented in a two-dimensional matrix that defines along the rows the type of stakeholders and with the columns the aspects of the architecture. The framework does not define a methodology for an architecture. Rather, the matrix is a template that must be filled in by the goals/rules, processes, material, roles, locations, and events specifically required by the organization. Further modeling by mapping between columns in the framework identifies gaps in the documented state of the organization.[12]
The framework is a simple and logical structure for classifying and organizing the descriptive representations of an enterprise. It is significant to both the management of the enterprise, and the actors involved in the development of enterprise systems.[13] While there is no order of priority for the columns of the Framework, the top-down order of the rows is significant to the alignment of business concepts and the actual physical enterprise. The level of detail in the Framework is a function of each cell (and not the rows). When done by IT the lower level of focus is on information technology, however it can apply equally to physical material (ball valves, piping, transformers, fuse boxes for example) and the associated physical processes, roles, locations etc. related to those items.
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